
Training and Development

Empowering your workforce, Enhancing your business

The BFG Training and Development Solution sits within our talent management consulting practices. This service is provided to unlock potential, develop leaders, and create high-performing teams. We help organisations improve their performance by providing employees with the knowledge, skills, and abilities they need to succeed in their roles. We provide a wide range of training options, including classroom instruction, online learning, and onthe- job training. It also includes assessments, evaluations, and feedback to measure the effectiveness of the training for your organisation.

Focus areas of our Training and Development Services

Curriculum development

Designing and developing training programs and materials that align with our client organisations goals and objectives.


Facilitating training sessions, workshops, and seminars for employees at all levels of your organisation.

Evaluation and follow-up

Measuring the effectiveness of training programs and providing follow-up support to ensure that employees can apply new skills and knowledge on the job.

Customised training

Offering customised training solutions that are tailored to meet the specific needs of your organisation and employees.

E-Learning and Virtual training

Offering online training programs and virtual instructor-led training to employees who are located in different regions or working remotely.

Coaching and mentoring

Providing one-on-one coaching and mentoring to help employees develop their skills and advance in their careers.

Service Benefits


Improved employee performance

By providing employees with the knowledge, skills, and abilities they need to succeed in their roles, this solution helps organisations improve employee performance and productivity.


Better retention of employees

Investing in employee training and development helps organisations retain their best employees, and reduces the costs associated with turnover.


Greater adaptability and flexibility

By providing your employees with training and development that keeps them up-to-date with new technologies and changing industry trends, your organisation will be more adaptable and flexible in response to changing business conditions.


Improved decision-making

Access to accurate, up-to-date information and expert analysis helps our clients make more informed and effective decisions for their businesses.


Enhanced ability to attract top talent

Organisations that invest in this service are more likely to attract top talent, as potential employees view such investment as a sign of a committed and forward-thinking organisation.


Greater scalability

Developing scalable systems and processes, also helps leaders and managers of organisations prepare for and manage growth in their business.

Connect With Us: Unlock Potential

Cultivate Growth, Ignite Excellence.

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Get in touch


Moses S. Ijeo

Head of Growth and Consulting


Happiness C. Adama

Associate, Training and Development